
Is PM Modi really saving India? (Part 8)

This is eighth part of series of articles on dharna-jivi and andolan-jivi and how they destroy Indian economy after getting funding from abroad. In year 2008 congress top leader Sonia and Rahul Gandhi went to China to attend Beijing Olympics. They secretly signed a deal with China’s Communist Party (CPC). The MOU is still secret as China ensures all trade, business and political deals remain secret. The secret deal came to light only few years after Modi government was formed in 2014. Congress started using dirty money to push Chinese, Christian missionary and Jeh@di agenda in India using andolan-jivis and dharna-jivis. There was a massive rise in number of social and environmental NGOs during UPA 2.0 era (2009-2014). They blocked every mining, border road building, and highway construction projects in India. The root cause of these could be donations received by congress party in 2008 from Chinese communist party and various western agency like George Soros and Ford Foundation funded

Nehru's daughter has married Feroz Ghandy, then how is Rajiv named Gandhi? Doesn't this mean he had multiple fathers, What sort of excuse do leftist (anti-nationals) have for this?

Everything about Nehru-Gandhi dynasty is fraud since pre-independence days. Nehru was selected as PM when Sardar Patel won the election for the PM position in 1946. The problem started even before that. Problem started when a filthy rich influential congress leader and Barrister Moti Lal Nehru introduced his son Jawaharlal Nehru to the congress party. Since then everybody in his dynasty is a ‘Gandhi’. The latest is Raihan Rajiv Gandhi (old name Raihan Vadra). It doesn’t matter if their parents are Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Parsi or Jeh@di, everybody in this dynasty is a Gandhi. This is easy way to fool Indians for generations. It is as simple as a legal affidavit and subsequent ad in newspapers regarding name change. Anti-nationals, leftists, communists and librandµs love this name change. India still has crores of illiterate and uneducated people who simply vote based on election symbol and Gandhi surname. This segment will be the biggest vote bank of congress. This included educated ‘i

How India won the T20 world cup 2024?

A group of college students were discussing the reason for India’s T20 World Cup 2024 win. A librandµ said the final match on 29 June was played at Kingston Oval (Barbados) in West Indies. The place is close to communist Cuba. So, India won the match. An AAPiya said PM Modi is panauti. Since he stayed away from the stadium, India won the match. A congi said since PM Modi didn’t get absolute majority in 2024 election and congress got more than expected seats. So, India won the final. India always win when we have a congress Govt! One person said that BJP, VHP and RSS helped India win T20 WC. The rest of the people angrily asked that person, this cannot be possible, and how did BJP, VHP and RSS come in between? Please explain to us. The guy replied, 'Hey brothers, there is no politics in this victory. BJP means Bumrah, Jadeja, Patel. VHP means Virat, Hardik, Pant and RSS means Rohit, Suryakumar, Shivam.  

Did Modi give a glass of water to an opposition MP in the Lok Sabha?

Modi gave water to MPs to make them cool down. Modi 3.0 Govt parliament debates started with a stormy note. Next time PM Modi should offer them cough syrup. After all that shouting with their insult of Lord Shiva, calling Hindus as violent people (as if the invaders like Ghazni, Ghori, Taimur, Sikandars, Babar, Nadir Shah etc. came to India to sell oil (tel bechne aiye they). The entire INDI alliance opposition should be offered cough syrup. Let INDI alliance leaders shout for whole day, whole week and entire parliament session. PM Modi should give the cough syrup daily. During election campaign PM Modi said, ‘RaGa insulted Indian kings (read Hindu kings) but foregts atrocities committed by Sultans, Mughals and Nawabs. This is slave mentality’. RaGa again showing his true color – anti-Hindu posture to appease the special minority vote bank and Christian missionary charity fund managers. RaGa and congress is a curse for the nation. Also congratulations to all Hindus. Their Lord Shiva in

Is PM Modi really saving India? (Part 7)

This is seventh part of series of articles on dharna-jivi and andolan-jivi and how they destroy Indian economy after getting funding from abroad. In year 2008 congress top leader Sonia and Rahul Gandhi went to China to attend Beijing Olympics. They secretly signed a deal with China’s Communist Party (CPC). The MOU is still secret as China ensures all trade, business and political deals remain secret. The secret deal came to light only few years after Modi government was formed in 2014. No RTI or PLI in Supreme Court failed to get the details of the MOU. It is believed China provided Rs 60 lakhs given to Rajiv Gandhi Foundation to ensure congress party don’t invest road development and other infrastructure projects in Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh and strategic Andaman Island in Bay of Bengal. Congress under Environment minister Jayram Ramesh and Jayanthi Natarajan blocked all critical projects in the name of environment issues which were raised by various foreign funded NGOs championing th