Why is communism called a failed ideology?

Zahir Shah was last king of Afghanistan who ruled from 1933 to 1973. He was replaced by his cousin Daud Khan in a bloodless coup and became Prime Minister. Daud Khan had support of PDPA (People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan) which was a Marxist-Leninist ideology party influenced by neighbor Soviet Union and established in 1965. in 1978, PDPA came to power by a military coup and in 1990, under President Najibullah, PDPA name changed to Homeland Party. Najibullah and his communist regime was a puppet of Soviet Union.

USA-USSR super power rivalry started as USA was alarmed with spread of communism in Afghanistan and possibly further into south Asia and invested huge money to arm the rebels or warlords. Pakistan sencing opportunity also jumped in and diverted huge amount of weapons destined for Afghan rebels. USA glamorized jeh@di culture by making big ticket Hollywood movies by superstar Sylvester Stallone fighting against USSR. The decade long war in Afghanistan weakened USSR finances and they decided to quit. Najibullah regime and India both had pro-Soviet tilt and hence were friendly. As situation became complicated after Soviet exit, Najibulla’s family took refuge in India but unfortunately, Najibullah could not escape. He was detained in airport by rebels and hanged in a street light. Meanwhile, three regional warlords - Pashtoon Gulbuddin Hekmatayar, Tajik Ahmed Shah Masood and Uzbek Rashid Dostam continue the gurella war with themselves to control the turf. Afghanistan which was a modern and economically stable during king Zahir Shah era became war ravaged country with no hope.

Afghanistan before the communist takeover in 1990 and after

Pakistan sensing power vacuum, created Taliban, another militant warrior with loyalty to Islamabad and ISI. Taliban took control part of Afghanistan, assassinated Ahmed Shah Masood and formed a pro-Pakistan government in Afghanistan in late 1990s. International terrorists like Al-Qaida got santury there who previously fought against USSR army and attacked USA which is known as 9/11 worldwide. US soldiers landed in Afghanistan to take revenge and war continues.

What is the moral of the story? The moral is – if a country becomes communists, it is bound to suffer economically. Same is the story of Bengal in India. Since the naxalite movement started in late 1960s, there is economic, industrial, social, political, moral decline in Bengal. Infrastructure decline is visible, daily violence, political murder and rape is part of life. Now, Kerala is following Bengal violence model and convering ‘God’s own country’ to devil’s land, just like Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan and bloody war and chaos continued there since communism came there in 1990. Another example of communist ideology-driven destruction is Venezuela.

Violence in Bengal and Afghanistan proved that warlords still exist in 21st century.

Picture source: Google/Getty 


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