Is PM Modi really saving India? (Part 8)

This is eighth part of series of articles on dharna-jivi and andolan-jivi and how they destroy Indian economy after getting funding from abroad.

In year 2008 congress top leader Sonia and Rahul Gandhi went to China to attend Beijing Olympics. They secretly signed a deal with China’s Communist Party (CPC). The MOU is still secret as China ensures all trade, business and political deals remain secret. The secret deal came to light only few years after Modi government was formed in 2014. Congress started using dirty money to push Chinese, Christian missionary and Jeh@di agenda in India using andolan-jivis and dharna-jivis.

There was a massive rise in number of social and environmental NGOs during UPA 2.0 era (2009-2014). They blocked every mining, border road building, and highway construction projects in India. The root cause of these could be donations received by congress party in 2008 from Chinese communist party and various western agency like George Soros and Ford Foundation funded NGOs who were determined to stop all developmental projects in the name of environment protection. Many andolan-jivi and dharna-jivi funded by NGOs (read foreign financed NGOs) started their career during this era like Arvind Kejriwal, Yogendra Yadav, Harsh Mandar, Medha Patkar, Arundhati Roy, Teesta Setalvad, Prashant Bhushan , Sudheendra Kulkarni, Himanshu Thakkar (SANDARP who killed all hydro projects in Arunachal, Sikkim, Himachal etc.), SP Udaykumar (Koodankulam anti-nuclear agitation funded by Church in TN) etc. are just few names. After BJP Govt is formed in 2014, congress stared supporting various agitations indirectly.

In February 2016, entire Haryana burst into flames for Jat reservation agitation for 15-20 days. The epicenter of this agitation was Rohtak which is stronghold of Jat leader and ex-congress CM Bhoopernder Singh Hooda’s constituency. He lost the CM post as BJP won the 2024 Haryana assembly election and a relatively less known, non-Jat, non-Gujjar person Manohar Lal Khattar was made CM. Haryana politics is mostly dominated by Jats and most past CMs were Jats. Clearly the riot was planned by Hooda and Haryana congress leaders to revive Jat hold in the state after the election loss.

Almost entire Rohtak city was burnt down before army could be deployed using helicopters. Agitators blocked roads, state and national highways with big trucks with deflated tires and rail tracks were blocked with uprooted trees. Thousands of vehicles burnt and houses ransacked. Even commuting between Delhi - Chandigarh and Delhi – Gurugram was almost impossible. Air fares reached shy high. The economic loss in these 15 days of rioting ran into billions of Rupees (Rs 25000 crore as per estimate) but no political parties were not blaming the Jat agitators because they were huge vote bank. Instead of focusing on economic loss of riot, most political parties and media focused only one incident which happened during this time. It was possible gang rape of lone lady at Murthal highway during this period and identified by media from a ladies under garment found near the highway and not complained by victims. The whole incident of Murthal rape case could be a distraction to divert media attention from the destructive riot which had immense economic loss. Media continued media trial on this alleged or imaginary rape incidence for months but entire system was deafeningly quiet on massive economic loss due to sudden rioting. This also suggest that Indian public focuses on sensational or emotional issues rather than economic issues.

Jat agitation in February 2016

Why Jats were demanding reservation under OBC when they are highly prosperous community in a prosperous state? It was congress leader Hood’s strategy to create Jat reservation agitation to bring them under congress as many Jats drifted to BJP under Modi wave of 2014.

In January 2017, entire Tamil Nadu people were on the streets demanding traditional sport of bull racing or Jalikattu to be allowed as the sports is not linked to animal cruelty and part of tradition of Tamil culture for centuries. This sport was banned by Supreme Court on advice of animal rights group. All walks of people including sports star, film star etc. jumped into support of Jallikattu and started peaceful sit-in at Chennai’s Marina beach for few days. Sensing peoples mood, central Indian government allowed executive ordinance to restart this dangerous sport. On 22nd January 2017, the ban was lifted and on same day two people died in a Jalikattu sports event. This raised main question about Indian mentality as why Indians don’t want any changes in cultural events but prefer to ignore economic issues like illiteracy, unemployment, acute poverty, political corruption, etc. Lifting ban on Jalikattu raised hopes to restoring Kambala sport in neighbouring Karnata which also involves bulls. There will be other enthusiasts or opportunistic politicians who will try to champion the cause of Bulbul bird fight in Assam or cock fight in northern India.

Tamil Nadu is considered as frontline state which is leaders in education, industry, literacy etc. But why this passion for traditional animal related sports? Clearly, these was pushed by political parties in TN who want to promote Tamil sub-nationalism, culture and tradition to get votes. So, was the Jalikattu agitation was secretly supported by DMK which promote Tamil sub-nationalism? Most Indians fail to see political motives behind the agitations.

Tamil Nadu then CM O Panneerselvam defended the police action of evicting Jallikattu protesters from Marina beach in January 2017 at the state assembly, saying they used minimum force to ensure that the agitation did not end up disrupting the Republic Day function. He also claimed that anti-social elements had mingled with the actual protesters (most of them students), and were not allowing them to withdraw the stir after an ordinance to permit the bull-taming sport was promulgated. Anti-national slogans – some of them seditious – were shouted during the agitation, Panneerselvam said, holding up offending posters featuring slain al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was seen. What is the link between Jalikattu and Osama bin Laden? Clearly some anti-national elements (read PFI, SIMI type of banned jeh@di organisations) are trying to raise their ugly head using Jalikattu agitation.

Let’s look at Gujarat which is considered as peaceful state. The political career of 22 year old Hardik Patel started in August 2015 with Patidar (Patels) agitation. Patidars are dominant upper caste, politically active and economically prosperous community in one of the most prosperous Gujarat state. So, by no parameters they can get government reservations going by the rule book. Even if politicians are forced to declare reservation for upper caste people like Jats and Patidars in their respective states, Supreme Court will turn down the case as it goes beyond 50% limit set by them.

It was a political agitation of job reservation for Patidars planted by congress using youths like Hardik Patel, Jignesh Mewani and others to embarrass Narendra Modi who became PM year back in May 2014, but BJP remained strong in Gujarat state even after his exit. Later Hardik Patel joined congress to start his political innings. After some time Hardik joined BJP after realising that congress has no hopes for next few decades in Gujarat.

Clearly an unemployed youth Hardik Patel launched his political career by doing Patidar reservation agitation and his motive was launching his political career and not Patidar reservation. He shamelessly jump parties and currently a MLA in Gujarat assembly. In the entire process of agitation, hundreds of buses and properties worth Rs 25000 crore was destroyed in the form of burnt public buses within a week.

In October 2018, Maratha agitation started. Although this agitation was fairly peaceful with no burning of buses and public properties, the motive remains the same. This was a congress game plan to revive its fortune in these states using the most powerful forward caste community and politically dominating group, who are most prosperous in these prosperous states, to launch reservation which will most likely be turned down by Supreme Court. But even that happens, congress will gain sympathy wave from powerful Maratha, Jats and Patidar community in these states. Why reservation riots do not happen in Bengal and Odisha where congress has no influence left?

Manoj Jarange-Patil continued the Maratha reservation demand peacefully with a prolong hunger strike and broke his strike after BJP-Shiv Sena (Shinde) CM Eknath Shinde requested him. This man Manoj is now demanding Muslim reservation under OBC quota. Clearly, congress again playing dirty game using him.

Congress is anti-national party and following British legacy of ‘divide and rule’. Congress gets the money from abroad and used it to promote andolan-jivis. Reservation agitation and destruction of property is a congress strategy to weaken India economically and reduce inter-community harmony in states. BJP and Modi 3.0 Govt needs to understand this ‘divide and rule’ game and bring stringent legislation, punishment, confiscation of property and economic assets of rioters, stone palters who damage public property, burn buses etc. for political visibility. Modi 3.0 need to apply ‘Yogi Bulldozer model’ across the country including non-BJP states.

PM Modi recently roared in Parliament, ‘neither Modi is going to be afraid, nor will this Govt fall. Modi darne wala Nahi’. People's verdict is clear in 2024 general election. They want the opposition to retain their position. It is the first time in congress history that they failed to win 100 seats in 3 consecutive LS elections. People are seeing destructive nature of congress party.

Picture source: Google / Respective rightful owner

Jat Agitation: Everything you need to know
Jats are demanding to be declared OBC, which will help them secure the 27 percent OBC reservation in government jobs.
In 2016, Haryana BJP govt badly shaken by Jat stir
To placate the agitated Jat community, the Haryana government, on March 29, approved the Haryana Backward Classes (Reservation in Services & Admission in Educational Institutions) Bill and notified the Act on May 13.
Patidar agitation: Spurred by Jat reservation in Haryana, compromise is elusive in Gujarat
The impetus seems to have come from the BJP government in Haryana, led by Manohar Lal Khattar, giving into the Jats’ agitation and passed a draft bill granting them reservation.
Maratha Reservation: A Look at the Brief History of Agitation
While Maratha reservation activist Manoj Jarange Patil has for now called off his hunger strike after the Eknath Shinde led Maharashtra government "accepted" his demand to issue 'Kunbi' certificates to the 54 lakh community members, the actual implementation of the provision would raise the reservation to 68 percent posing a legal challenge to the government in the backdrop of the Supreme Court's cap of 50 percent reservation.



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