Is Modi becoming a dictator?
PM Modi has some dictatorial trails but he is still way behind congress leaders like Nehru, Indira and Sanjay Gandhi’s dictatorial attitude. According to documents released by the Australian government, in the 1949 meeting British Prime Minister Clement Attlee pitched for a strong anti-communist bloc within the Commonwealth. Both Nehru and Liaquat Ali Khan had concurred with most of what they were told. Nehru dismissed India’s first elected communist government of Kerala. In 1957, Nehru's Congress Party lost power in Kerala in the Elections that year to a Communist led coalition. The formation of such a coalition scared him. He used the sycophant Governor of the State to dismiss the Kerala Government quite illegally. In a labour union rally Majruh Sultanpuri, a Bollywood lyrists, recited this poem... Aman kaa jhandaa is dharti pe kisney kahaa lahraane na paae ye bhii koii Hitler kaa hai chelaa, maar le saathii, jaane na paae! Commonwealth ka daas hai Nehru maar le saathii jaane na ...